My new stampin space!!

These are the newest photo's I quickly snapped of my new stamping room. I still need to add some pictures on the walls and what not but, it is pretty much finished for now. I can't believe that this gorgeous space is all mine. Now, if I could just get some time to get in there and
I have my tables set up in an "L" shape and I got the tables from Costco (would love to have counter tops day! The cabinets and matching white shelves were on clearance at home depot, (they are actually 3 seperate units). The paper storage, are rubber maid, 2 shelf storage units. I bought an extra 2 units but, just used the 4 shelves from each unit (2 shelves, plus top and bottom piece, so, that ended up giving me an extra 8 shelves). My ink pad storage are dvd holders from Ikea. My favorite part of the room are the vintage/antique containers I received from my Grandmother and the warm saffron colour on the walls. Having the cabinet doors are super nice to "hide" my tools and not so nice looking On the bookcase, I have glass jars to hold my ribbon.